Yoko’s Products will make you feel good, make your food burst with flavor and make your belly happy.

Please, do yourself a favor and purchase Yoko’s products. We are pretty sure you will be coming back for more once you experience their delicous taste and health benefits.

This is ALIVE, fermented food that is great for your guts.

Miso 赤尾味噌

ALIVE Akao umami soy miso is made from Organic soybeans and rice, typically aged for one year.

It's my grandmother and mom's best recipe.

Rich and sweet flavors.


Organic soybeans, Handmade rice koji, Sea salt (no wheat)


550g $21 - Sold Out

260g $14 - Sold Out

* One year aged Miso is all sold out. One and half years Miso is coming in April . Pre-order right now. It will go quickly.

Sweet Chickpea Miso ひよこ豆味噌

ALIVE Sweet Chickpea umami miso is made from organic chickpeas and rice and typically aged for one year.

Sweet and smooth flavor.


Organic Chickpea, Handmade rice koji, Sea salt (no wheat no soy)


550g $21 - Sold Out

260g $14 - Sold Out

* One year aged Miso is all sold out. One and half years Miso is coming in April. Pre-order right now. It will go quickly.

Umami Shio-Koji


ALIVE Umami shio koji (liquid fermented sea salt) is an old natural seasoning used in Japanese cooking to marinate, tenderize and create massive umami in a dish.


Handmade Rice koji, Sea salt, Filtered water

250ml $13

Only One batch/month

Sweet Amazake 甘酒

ALIVE Sweet Amazake is a traditional fermented rice sweet drink. Non-alcoholic Japanese power drink.


Organic handmade rice koji, Filtered water, Organic rice

550g $14

Only one batch/month

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I would be happy to connect with you.