The miso recipe that I ate my whole life was from my grandmother and mother, using my father's soybeans and rice from the farm.

I have eaten miso soup every breakfast since I was born, with greens from the farm and handmade tofu from my neighbor.

Since moving to Canada, I have been missing that taste. I started experimenting and finally figured it out after two years. Yes, this is it. My ALIVE miso 味噌 is a thick paste made from fermented organic soybeans with rice koji and salt.

It's typically aged for more than a year following my grandmother's special way天然発酵 by never using a heat control: the old style, natural methods.

Miso has tons of nutrition and is linked to various health benefits, including better digestion and a more robust immune system. It contains probiotics that support good health and is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Soy miso contains millions of beneficial bacteria, probiotics food including proteinたんぱく質, vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B12 ビタミン, sodiumナトリウム, zinc亜鉛, enzymes 酵素, fiber 食物繊 維, potassium カリウム, isoflavoneイソフラボン, mineral ミネラル, calcium カルシウム, magnesium マグネシウム, iron鉄, etc...

  • Boosts immune system免疫力向上

  • Prevents Arteriosclerosis 動脈硬化予防

  • Less Severe Symptoms of Menopause.更年期障害症状の緩和

Best of all, it is delicious. Like, really, really tasty and yummy. Buy some.


Umami Shio Koji